21 Apr 2012


i would have liked to have posted this yesterday, but it just didn't happen. oh well, i know some of you out there will enjoy this even if it is a day late.

(in case you missed it, thursday was 'national high-five day, friday was international marijuana celebration day, and sunday is earth day...so give your bro's some skin, share a puff or two, and take a moment to pick up some trash while you're out puttin around on your gas-efficient two-wheeled vehicles.  cheers bastards!)

hopefully someone can get some useful tips from this video. i realize it's basic stuff, but it's always good to remember the fundamentals. make sure to checkout the flex your rights website for excellent advice on this and other legal issues. many of you may also like the stop the drug war website and blog, i know i do!  consider being proactive and working with organizations like the drug policy alliance or norml.

as someone living a literal stone's throw from juarez, mexico, this is not a theoretical socio-political debate or some hippy-dippy 'all drugs are cool man' wastoid babble. this is a real combat zone with thousands of confirmed deaths per year and even more 'disappearances' that claim the lives of far too many people.  america's 'war on drugs' actually accomplishes the opposite of it's proclaimed goals and has caused far too much destruction and suffering to be allowed to continue.


  1. Are you recording all of the IPs that click the links?

    Sorry, just a little paranoid. Happy holiday!!

  2. Google CISPA and see who is trying track pretty much every electronic interaction we make. This new extension of The (un)Patriot(ic) Act is something to seriously be concerned about. Don't hesitate to call your elected representatives and give your opinion of the proposed CISPA legislation.

  3. Neat post mate, especially the vid . . . being the son of an old school, through the ranks R.A.N Commander [Communication/Intelligence], the whole issue of authority via government spies, tracking our shit on line just makes me laugh, they can all get fucked, I respect both our relevant country's but have no time for cloak and dagger wankers on paranoia patrol, or bent cops either . . . they didn't get nicknamed 'pigs' for nothing, both times I've been locke dup were complete fit up's, there's lots of good cops out there but the rotten ones taint the overall picture indelibly . . . sorry guys, shouldn't have started on this, peace out men. Got a little tune c omin up for you Pat, hope you get a kick out of it . . .

  4. Let em watch! and for those who are. . . KISS MY ASS!!
