8 Feb 2012

Good photography, poor coverage by ChopCult

They certainly have better quality pics than me, but come on! ChopCult didn't publish a single pic from the back lot of the LOVE party. All the industry cool guys parked in front or inside. People who humbly built their own bikes and rode them to the party were in the parking lot out back. LAME to leave out the regular dudes who support all the wankers out front...especially at a party called LOVE!

Some of the best bikes there were in the 'peasant' lot in back.


  1. Well said Pat, it ain't really the fault of the 'Big Wigs' but rather the way in which it is covered by press types etc . . . seems to be sadly, often the way, truck loads of cool stuff out in the 'paddock' gets scant regard for the sake of the same, although excellent, usual suspects that we've all seen before . . . love your work man, no fork tongue !!

  2. the pros build some rad stuff but they get old real fast when the same bikes get covered by all of the different media sources. I always hang around the "back lot" to check out the rest of the stuff at shows.
