14 Jan 2012

nazi asshole unicorn poop trolls

every time i see some douche-nozzle with white power neo-nazi aryan pride bullshit tattooed on their pasty skin, or painted on their bike, or on their clothes or whatever...
this is exactly what comes to mind:

i get the whole shock value effect, but come on...if that's really what you're after, is worn out nazi shit the best you could come up with?

i guarantee you'd be infinitely more shocking if you wore some pro-unicorn shit along with a neck tattoo that says you have sex with door handles and mailboxes when no one's looking. how about some women's rights anti-religion slogans written in arabic across your throat? without even being able to read it, i promise uptight conservative americans and arabs alike would be seriously freaked out at some dirty biker scum with unicorn patches and arabic writing tattooed on your throat.

step up the shock value game. the swazi shit is so old and boring it's not shocking anymore, just a sign of shitty imagination. if you really believe that aryan bullshit, then i honestly hope you die and never procreate. seriously.

don't be a poop troll, think up your own shock value symbolism.

(hey anybody else think that pile-of-shit-monster looks kinda familiar? Rob?)


  1. im a nazi.
    i love fucking door knobs.
    there is nothing wrong with that. jesus,live out of step guys...its really edgy.

  2. That poop troll of yours looks like a mormon.
