25 Jan 2012


who is,and who is NOT going to the meet?
there is like 6 months to plan to go.
2nd: i thought the meet was going to be on the IL/IN border? it's in WI now???


  1. I'll be there. . wherever it is

  2. Hey Chico, I'll be putting out an email and post on the meet tonight. As of right now, with the exception of rene and steffan, all active members will be showing up to the meet. We all know about the two recent quit-members, do obviously they won't be there. Rene and steffan, as sole owner/operators of small businesses, are both at a crucial stage in establishing their shops. They both need to focus on promotion to secure the livelihoods they depend on to support their families, and no one has any place questioning the legitimacy of their inability to attend this years meet. That being said, jason and I are putting together a plan to ensure assistance with gas money and other expenses will be provided. No one will be left behind and no one will be screwed out of being able to attend simply because of a lack of gas money.

    More details later...members call me if you need anything.

    1. No really I'm there right now, where are you guys?

      Oh.... June not January
