22 Jan 2012


Fuck guys sorry I haven't updated in a while I have spent maybe 40 minutes in the shed in the last 3 weeks finally got my bar and risers set up mounted to the top clamp WTF? still need to get the bottom off to the machinist for internal fork stops. hopefully have more soon let me know what you think.... Do you believe in Magic?


  1. Man you gotta show us a better pic of that tank! That thing looks like it probably has magical properties all by itself! You're gonna take that thing out for a shakedown run and just spontaneously turn into a wizard.

  2. Patience my friend patience.......All will be revealed soon enough you guys are all probably gonna hate me but I am thinking about painting it. I know Chico I know..... Let me know what you all think! Oh yeah the tank on it now think Danzig meets Frazetta

  3. I guess I'd have to see a close up of the tank to really have an informed opinion, but my gut reaction is:
    NOOOOOOOO! You can't repaint that piece of chopper gold!
    If anything maybe try to trade your way into another prism tank, hang that old one on the wall, and paint the new one from scratch.
