10 Jan 2012

a brief glimpse before and after

here's some quick before and after shots of my shovel. i'll get some better current shoots soon once it's in the frame.

the rebuild did happen, though conditions were less than ideal, and rob and i have to finish the job ourselves on friday...and yes, all the tedious but noticeable cosmetic improvement work was done by me with major help on the parts washer from kelly (one of the truly good guys we met out there). seriously, that work included: installing, hooking up, and wiring the 'professional builder' dude's air compressor and beadblasting cabinet; doing all the beadblasting on the heads and jugs, choosing buying and applying the engine enamel for the jugs, and making sure all the brass i brought with me didn't magically disappear in the bench-less garage of chaos before being installed on final reassembly. (there will be a couple more shiny bits on there soon that didn't get put on in phoenix..long story)

either rob or myself will give a more complete description of the rebuild roadtrip soon...i'm just too hazy right at the moment. rob may actually have a better account of the trip since i spent much of the time in a barely suppressed fury of anger and disgust.


  1. the shovel looks tasty. mine is is all blacked out by some tweeker with a can or crinkle black spray paint. chop on!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cheers brother! Can't wait to see more pics of yours too.

  4. Apparently there are Mormon Nazis that don't like this post here. Pretty sure they should count themselves lucky... I assure you the next time I am invited by a Mormon Nazi to come to his "business" that turns out not to be a business at all and people have to stand over their shoulder and baby sit them in order to insure that the work they agreed to do actually gets done... and even then the work is questionable at best...
    Well, Sir, I assure you they will be lucky to get away with only a pistol whipping... Message to all you Mormon Nazis out there, be smart and just don't invite me to your place.
